The ROBIN™ Currency on the Ethereum-blockchain

I am very happy, that starting with the 257 ROBIN™ note, the ROBIN™ currency is now also available as an NFT – a non-fungible token (ERC-721) on the Ethereum-blockchain.
This means, two things:

The ROBIN™ coin and notes can now be secured on the second largest and most future-proof blockchain: Even if someone were to “copy” (fake) the ROBIN™ coin or note, only the one physical product corresponding to the one of token holder is certified to be the original ROBIN™. (This makes investing in more expensive, smaller-denomination ROBIN™ safer.)

If you want to purchase ROBIN™ securely without the physical exchange of a ROBIN™ note, you can do so now. On different marketplaces for NFTs you can you now buy a digital certificate that you are the owner of a ROBIN™, without necessarily having to buy the physical ROBIN™ note.

Read more on the official ROBIN™ Currency website: The ROBIN™ Currency on the Ethereum-blockchain

SHOW ME THE MONEY at John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton


SHOW ME THE MONEY – The Image of Finance


The ROBIN™ Currency

John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ from 7th October until 22nd November 2014.

Open: Tues-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 11am-4pm. Free. T:0238 059 2158.

John Hansard Gallery is one of Britain’s leading public galleries of contemporary art. Part of the University of Southampton, we support, develop and present work by outstanding artists from across the world. Established in 1979, we are proud to play a dynamic role in the cultural life of Southampton and the region. We’re a place to visit for extraordinary experiences, where you can see and think about the world differently.

SHOW ME THE MONEY at Chawton House Library

SHOW ME THE MONEY – The Image of Finance

The failures in the global financial system that occurred in 2008 were experienced as a crisis because they were confusing and chaotic. The causes and implications of the event appeared to be too complex, too impenetrable and too surprising to be understood. The Queen herself – estimated to have lost £25 million in the crash – was reported to have asked, when visiting the London School of Economics that autumn, ‘if this crisis was so large’ then how ‘did everyone miss it?’ As the works presented in Show Me the Money: The Image of Finance, 1700 to the Present suggest, financial processes are often difficult to see not in spite, but precisely because, of their vast size. Finance – money, investment, credit, debt – is the air we breathe, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to get an objective view of an atmosphere that envelops us so completely.

The images, objects, narratives and artworks that make up this exhibition explore the ways in which finance has become a dazzlingly sophisticated and globally interconnected phenomenon that requires us to think anew about the ways in which we understand time and space: money is instant; it is everywhere and nowhere. Show Me the Money highlights the ways in which art and culture have allowed us to explore the increasingly abstract and self-referential nature of finance, the complexity of its operations that are virtually impossible for those on the outside to envisage. Yet the four locations of the exhibition also suggest ways in which this overarching narrative of finance is complicated by the particularities of place: finance may be everywhere, but its meanings and effects vary markedly from one site to another


The ROBIN™ Currency

at Chawton House Library, Chawton, near Alton, Hampshire GU34 1SJ 

from 19th September to 22nd November 2014. 

Chawton House Library is an internationally respected research and learning centre for the study of early women’s writing from 1600 to 1830. Access to the library’s unique collection is for the benefit of scholars and the general public alike. Set in the quintessentially English manor house that once belonged to Jane Austen’s brother, Edward; the library, house and gardens – plus an always fascinating calendar of events – make Chawton House Library a very special and memorable place to visit and enjoy.