On 9 December 2007 at Evolution de l’Art, The Blue House, Amsterdam
Intellectual Entertainment Service
The Right Kind of Guest
Shake up you guests’ perspective
and your own.
Book a hip, smart and modish artist
to make a great dinner party
even more interesting.
English, German, French, Italian speaking
Contact: +44 7972 559959
From: 400 € (+ travel expenses)
Intellectual Entertainment Service –
the escort agency for the mind.
Choose from our diverse selection of up- and coming artists to add to your already eclectic round of dinner guests. Let your intellect be challenged, widen your horizon – and feel like a nabob in his own empire.
Bringing back an old tradition of Mäzenatentum and totally in line with the current understanding of the artist as an accessory of the culture industry, we deliver super-contemporary art to your home.
Have you ever thought, that your social gatherings are good, but would not mind a bit of extra spice at the event? Here’s your opportunity – invite a creative and interesting character and change your patterns of experience. Learn something new, by getting to know new faces – and maybe even a new face of you and your friends.
Now in Amsterdam!
Relational Aesthetics Delivered to your Doorstep
Robin Bhattacharya and Larissa Hadjio
Collaboration with Larissa Hadjio: www.larissahadjio.com